DEI Trainings

Customized trainings for your workplace and your team!
The following 90-minute trainings can be offered to your organization. In addition, I can customize a training that best meets your organization’s needs. Trainings are offered via Zoom.
Foundations of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
This training begins the conversation surrounding cultural literacy including diversity, equity, and inclusion. Topics covered and discussed include basic terms and vocabulary, understanding different forms of social identity and privilege, learning how we learn culture, and the impact of socialization.
Building Self-Awareness and Understanding Privilege
This training continues the conversation surrounding cultural literacy including diversity, equity, and inclusion. During the session, participants engage in deeper self-reflection in order to build awareness of implicit bias, acknowledge privilege, examine social responsibility, and understand how socialization and culture impact their work.
Creating an Inclusive and Anti-Racist Culture
This training helps participants learn to identify and interrupt bias. Participants will explore their social responsibility to engage in bystander intervention, advocacy, and social change. They will be introduced to racism as an institutional structure and gain an understanding of the importance of being anti-racist.
Preventing Microaggressions
Microaggressions are the everyday slights, insults, putdowns, invalidations, and offensive behaviors that people of color experience in daily interactions with generally well-intended people who may be unaware that they are being racially demeaning. In this workshop, participants will learn to identify microaggressions, interrupt negative behavior, educate others, and offer support.
Single training cost is $550
Four-trainings bundle cost is $2,000
(Non-profit rate available)
Interested in starting a book club in your organization? Check out the Recommended Reading below and ask me how.